
What are the features and limitations of the Mastercard prepaid card?

LiorCard’s prepaid Mastercard functionality offers standard payment operations in over 250 countries, with spending limits that can be adjusted as required. 

Are transaction fees different when using cryptocurrencies?

Transaction fees are the same whether the payment is made in cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies, thanks to the seamless integration of the two systems. Therefore, transaction fees are more advantageous when using cryptocurrencies overall. 

Which cryptocurrencies are specially supported by the LiorCard?

The LiorCard supports major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple and many others, enabling flexible payments in a globalized crypto ecosystem. 

How to become a EiC Corporation member?

Contact us to have more information about your needs You will be contacted to understand more what you need and give you all the information required.

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