Here you have some information to guide you to set up your HASHWallet 😊
1) Create your account with a unique email: We recommend using our partner, Proton Mail, due to its encryption. Keep in mind that you may receive authentication codes both to your email and phone, so the more secure your email provider, the better.
2) Enable biometric access: This adds an extra layer of security.
NFC Scanning:
1) When scanning the card: Remember that it is reading information, so you must keep it still in the same place until the system finishes reading it (this may take a little while).
2) NFC antenna location: On Android phones, the NFC antenna is usually located in the upper half of the back, so place the card vertically in that area. On iPhones, the antenna is more towards the top of the front of the phone, so place the card in that area.
Scanning a new card:
To scan a new card, simply follow these steps:
1) Turn on your NFC
2) Go to the settings gear at the top right -> scan and configure keys
3) Place your card as explained above and follow the steps until the process is complete
HASHWallet and Tangem are alike as they are both chip card wallets. However, HASHWallet, among others, offers these remarkable features that Tangem doesn't:
Multiseed – 1 card, Many Seed Phrases
By buying only one card, you can manage as many private keys as you want. This means you can import your Ledger, your Trezor, and any other seed phrases you have in less secure hardware wallets and manage all of them securely from the HASHWallet App.
You will also be able to create as many seedless wallets as you want.
-> A seedless wallet has a secret private key stored securely within the card's chip, and no one, not even you or us, will ever know it. It works on the principle: “If you want to hide a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” Thus, what is unknown can hardly be stolen.
Recovery process
With Tangem, losing your cards means losing access to your funds, as there is no actual recovery system available. They only provide copies in advance, which you may misplace as easily as your main card.
However, HASHWallet offers a twice-awarded recovery process that allows you to request a backup card through your app when you really need it.
To clarify:
-> We do not have access to your keys nor store them anywhere
-> We do not recover your keys; it is only you who can initialize the recovery process
Shielded App
Our app is not only encrypted but also secured against bots and other threats to ensure that only you have access to it.
The HASHWallet app is also protected against fake apps. This means that if someone clones the app, it won’t work, so they won’t be able to transfer any funds.
-> No other hardware wallet has claimed these security measures on their application at the moment this FAQ was written.
You can learn more about the HASHWallet Security Framework here.
HASHWallet and Tangem are alike as they are both chip card wallets. However, HASHWallet, among others, offers these remarkable convenient features:
Multiseed – 1 card, Many Seed Phrases
By buying only one card, you can manage as many private keys as you want. This means you can import your Ledger, your Trezor, and any other seed phrases you have in less secure hardware wallets and manage all of them securely from the HASHWallet App.
You will also be able to create as many seedless wallets as you want.
-> A seedless wallet has a secret private key stored securely within the card's chip, and no one, not even you or us, will ever know it. It works on the principle: “If you want to hide a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.” Thus, what is unknown can hardly be stolen.
Recovery Process
With Tangem, losing your cards means losing access to your funds, as there is no actual recovery system available. They only provide copies in advance, which you may misplace as easily as your main card.
However, HASHWallet offers a twice-awarded recovery process that allows you to request a backup card through your app when you really need it.
To clarify:
-> We do not have access to your keys nor store them anywhere
-> We do not recover your keys; it is only you who can initialize the recovery process
Shielded App
Our app is not only encrypted but also secured against bots and other threats to ensure that only you have access to it.
The HASHWallet app is also protected against fake apps. This means that if someone clones the app, it won’t work, so they won’t be able to transfer any funds.
-> No other hardware wallet we know of has claimed these security measures on their application at the moment this FAQ was written.
You can learn more about the HASHWallet Security Framework in our documentation
Access to your email and phone is required to access your Backup Center account.
Which features does the Backup Center provide?
- Recover your crypto anonymously -> Request a Backup Card any time you need it and initiate yourself the Recovery Process.
- 1 HASHWallet manages many seed phrases -> Import your Ledger, Trezor, MetaMask, and many more and manage them all with only one HASHWallet. (Your seed phrases will still be compatible with other providers).
What’s the Backup Center?
The Backup Center is a vault-like server secured by the HashiCorp Vault service. What makes it special is that its access is encrypted so that only you, with your phone and email (2FA), can access the information it holds; no one else can. Furthermore, any data it stores is also encrypted before being sent, doubling the security.
Are my keys stored in the Backup Center?
No, they are not. To recover your keys, we use 2 elements:
- A Recovery Seed that is stored within the card's chip during the manufacturing process.
- A Recovery Key that is stored in the Backup Center during key creation/import.
Neither of these elements is your key.
What if my phone and my email are hacked?
In the unlikely event of suffering a hack on your email and phone, the hacker would also need your HASHWallet to trigger transactions. So your funds are still safe.
First of all, to avoid this situation, we have some recommendations:
- Use a secure email provider like our partner Proton Mail, which offers end-to-end encryption.
- Use an email account you don’t use for anything else, and do not share it with anyone nor install it on your phone.
- If you believe it necessary, use a phone number dedicated solely to protecting your funds and do not share it with anyone.
Why not use just a Password or PIN?
If you lose your password or PIN, you lose your funds. That's why these methods haven't been implemented, because the risk of losing access is significantly superior to the unlikely event of someone gaining access to your email, phone, and card simultaneously.
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